"I'm sorry, but since when were "Funny Games" and "Red, White, & Blue" black comedies?! I would recommend "Bernie" by Albert Dupotel and "Buddy Boy" by Mark Hanlon, "Buddy Boy" was more psychological "
"Suggestions- Dead Alive The Living and the Dead Santa Sangre Buddy Boy Eraserhead "
""Breaking the Waves" was sad, but not as much as I might expect. But it is still one of my favorite movies. And Emily Watson gives one of the best performances of all time. I have not seen any of the "
"I haven't seen any of these films yet. I made a list similar to this a while back, feel free to watch some off my list and add them to yours if they suit your purposes. http://www.listal.com/list/good"
"She had a small part in "The Dark Knight Rises" as Catwoman's friend."
"How about Mark Hanlon for "Buddy Boy" (1999.) I have actually written to him, he is very nice and has not received nearly enough attention."
"Hey there. Great list. I love the DoctorDonna, they were the best duo, and I also loved Donna's grandad, Wilf. He brought a lot to the show in the short time that he was there. Though I've got t"
"I'd put "Burn After Reading" farther up; it's really not as bad as everyone says it is. In fact, it's quite hilarious. But hey, your list, your opinion."
"Oh my God is that really Angelina Jolie? btw, I think Lee Pace looks pretty good as a girl. Is that from the television movie "Soldier's Girl?""
"Good list. William Eadie in "Ratcatcher" would be a good choice, he was incredible in that movie. Also, Hugh O'Conor as the young Christy Brown in "My Left Foot.""
"My favs are Narrator ("Fight Club") and Travis ("Taxi Driver.") Suggestions (excluding the great ones xxixxii has already added) 1. The guy in "Spider" (played by Ralph Fiennes as an adult, and Brad"
"@pollypop mgeni is referencing Jame 'Buffalo Bill' Gumb from "The Silence of the Lambs." A rather disturbed individual, 'Buffalo Bill" would kidnap fat women, force them to rub themselves down with l"
"How about George Harvey in "The Lovely Bones?" I haven't read any of these, but then again, I'm not much of a reader."
"This list is simply not complete without Joffrey from "Game of Thrones." Add Joffrey please!"
"Here's some suggestions- Vera (Elizabeth Moody) in "Dead Alive" Sal in "Buddy Boy" (later, Sal is subtly implied to be not the the stuttering guilt-ridden protagonist's stepmother, but his drag-clad"
"I'm digging this list. I like how it's not the same-old same-old 'ooh Robert Pattinson OMG OMG' kind of list like a lot of the young women on Listal. I'm have been watching pretty much EVERYTHING wit"
"I really admire your lists. I've been trying to do one like them but I don't see as many movies as you. IMO being that you like cult item/weirdo movies you should watch "Buddy Boy" by Mark Hanlon, it "
""Buddy Boy" and "Requiem" are excellent choices."
""The Fall" by Tarsem would be a good addition. Visually beautiful... and my favorite movie!"
"How about "Tony" by Gerard Johnson? One of my absolute favorites. "Antibodies" is another great one."
"Obviously a lot of work and effort went into this list. I'm still horrified by the picture of the little boys under Josef Mengele. Suggestion- Jeffrey Dahmer and Saddam Hussein?"
"Some of these are really good! "Psycho," "The Deer Hunter," & "One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest" are good, though maybe a little over-rated; "Sling Blade" is excellent and "The Shining" is one of my all"
"In my opinion, Janice is a nice girl, and much preferabe to simpering mama's boy Ross, or God forbid, Ross' mother. Great show, anyway. Oh yeah, and I liked "The One With the Sharks.""
""Blue Valentine" added. I have not yet seen "Lija 4-Ever," but I want to. Thanks!"